️ Hello, aoe2 nerd!

Welcome to aoe2.studio!

There’s not a lot to see here right now because we’re just getting started. So instead, let me introduce myself.

I’m with-heart!

I’m a web developer with a deep passion for open source. I was the first member of the Chakra UI core team, a founding member of Developer DAO, and I’ve spent a lot of time drifting around the open source ecosystem contributing to projects like xstate.

I’ve also been an Age of Empires II player off and on for most of the game’s life. Mostly I play 2v2s with my friend Snacks and we’re… not great, but slowly getting better!

aoe2.studio is the collision of these two worlds of mine:

Open source development + Age of Empires II = ??????

I have a lot of ideas. I have a lot of free time. I love building tools and teaching people how to do things. I love open source. And I love Age of Empires II!

Now let’s see where this goes…

For now, follow aoe2.studio on GitHub and X to see where we’re heading!